
Certified Power of Attorney

By Attorney SusAnne Lee Jenkins

Did you know that in California, a Notary Public can certify a copy of your power of attorney?

In addition to the notary stamp on your original signed power of attorney, Notaries can certify a copy.  The Notary Public looks at the ORIGINAL and the copy and makes sure they are identical.  The best method is to have the Notary Public make the copy or watch while the copy is being made, because if not, he or she has to go over both documents word for word to ensure the duplicate has no changes.

If you want a certified copy, you should provide the certification form.  You can purchase one from Ventura Press.

Notary Publics in California can certify copies of only two things: Powers of Attorney; and Notary Journal Records.  NOTARY PUBLICS IN CALIFORNIA CANNOT CERTIFY COPIES OF ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS.



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